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Should it be 10 US$ or US$ 10? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

meaning - Differences between "price point" and "price" - English ...
the price for which something is sold on the retail market, especially in relation to a range of competitive prices. For example, "our shampoo is a bargain at this price point" and "I don't think I can make this deal at this price point" both emphasize the choice that the potential seller is making among other realistically potential prices.

"Pricey" vs. "Pricy" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Both words are surprisingly recent coinages. COHA does return three more hits from 1837, 1928, and 1966, but they all look like typos or OCR failures to me. Etymonline confirms: "1932, from price + -y". Pricey has always been more popular than pricy. Pricey is getting even more popular, while pricy fades in comparison.

word usage - Should it be "cheaper price" or "lower price"? - English ...
Low price might make someone believe they are getting something cheaper. Stores often trick buyers by offering items at a ‘lower price’. This, to make the buyer think the seller is selling something cheap; but, saying you paid a ‘lower price’ for something doesn't make the item itself worth more than the cost.

What is the difference between 20$ and $20? [closed]
Why all the overcomplication? The difference is that, in English, $20 is the correct way to use the dollar sign, while 20$ is an incorrect way to use the dollar sign.

Why is "a 100% increase" the same amount as "a two-fold increase"?
People prefer to avoid the "%" increase for anything more than a few percent, due to confusion it creates: lots of readers fail to realize the distinction between "increase by" and "increase to", and even these who do, make a double take to spot which one was used, especially with values exceeding 100 by not much.

Which is correct, "sales price" or "sale price"?
But internally, they would see no harm in labeling the various proposals as engineering sale price, manufacturing sale price, marketing sale price and sales sale price. The equipment company may decide to have a week of sales. They would then have sales period rental price, sales period lease price and sales period sale price on a piece of ...

differences - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
• The price is including free-flow water. • The price includes free-flow water. • This book includes a free CD. • This book is including a free CD. Edit 1: As Barrie noted, including is not a preposition. Typically it serves as a present participle. See the following extract from OED1 (1901) for some examples of use. Including ppl. a. [f.

"Prices of" vs "prices for" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
The preposition "OF" is used here to indicate that the price belongs to/is used in relation with prices of spare parts. Now, the definition of "FOR" as a preposition- For. Used to indicate the use of something: Some examples of "for" as a preposition-This place is for exhibitions and shows. I baked a cake for your birthday.

"cheaper price" or "lower price" / "cheaper rate" or "lower rate"
Price is an attribute of the item being priced. Rather it is the item itself that is cheaper. However, it is perfectly clear that the price attribute can be lower. Nonetheless. your observation is also correct: "cheaper price", "cheaper rate" etc. are common usage, and it sounds perfectly fine to my native speaker's ear.